Jude 1 глава

New American Standard Bible → Елизаветинская Библия


Jude, a bond-servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, To those who are the called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ:
Ї҆ѹ́да, ї҆и҃са хр҇та̀ ра́бъ, бра́тъ же ї҆а́кѡва, сѹ́щымъ ѡ҆ бз҃ѣ ѻ҆ц҃ѣ̀ ѡ҆свѧщє́ннымъ, ї҆и҃съ хр҇то́мъ соблюдє́ннымъ зва҄ннымъ:

May mercy and peace and love be multiplied to you.
мл҇ть ва́мъ и҆ ми́ръ и҆ любы̀ да ѹ҆мно́житсѧ.

Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.
Возлю́бленнїи, всѧ́ко тща́нїе творѧ̀ писа́ти ва́мъ ѡ҆ ѻ҆́бщемъ сп҇нїи ва́шемъ, нѹ́ждѹ воз̾имѣ́хъ писа́ти ва́мъ, молѧ̀ подвиза́тисѧ ѡ҆ преда́ннѣй вѣ́рѣ ст҃ы҄мъ є҆ди́ною.

For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Привнидо́ша бо нѣ́цыи человѣ́цы, дре́вле пред̾ѹста́вленнїи на сїѐ ѡ҆сѹжде́нїе, нечести́вїи, бг҃а на́шегѡ блгдть прелага́ющїи въ скве́рнѹ, и҆ є҆ди́нагѡ влдки бг҃а и҆ гд҇а на́шегѡ ї҆и҃са хр҇та̀ ѿмета́ющїисѧ.

Now I desire to remind you, though you know all things once for all, that the Lord, after saving a people out of the land of Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe.
Воспомѧнѹ́ти же ва́мъ хощѹ̀, вѣ́дѹщымъ и҆ ва́мъ є҆ди́ною сїѐ, ѩ҆́кѡ гд҇ь лю́ди ѿ землѝ є҆гѵ́петскїѧ сп҃сѐ, послѣдѝ невѣ́ровавшыѧ погѹбѝ:

And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day,
а҆́ггелы же не соблю́дшыѧ своегѡ̀ нача́лства, но ѡ҆ста́вльшыѧ своѐ жили́ще, на сѹ́дъ вели́кагѡ днѐ ѹ҆́зами вѣ́чными под̾ мра́комъ соблюдѐ.

just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire.
ѩ҆́коже содо́ма и҆ гомо́рра и҆ ѡ҆кре́стнїи и҆́хъ гра́ды, подо́бнымъ и҆̀мъ ѡ҆́бразомъ преблѹди́вше и҆ ходи́вше в̾слѣ́дъ пло́ти и҆ны́ѧ, предлежа́тъ въ показа́нїе, ѻ҆гнѧ̀ вѣ́чнагѡ сѹ́дъ под̾е́мше,

Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming, defile the flesh, and reject authority, and revile angelic majesties.
та́кожде ѹ҆̀бо и҆ сі́и, сѡ́нїѧ ви́дѧще, пло́ть ѹ҆́бѡ сквернѧ́тъ, госпо́дства же ѿмета́ютсѧ, сла́вы же хѹ́лѧще (не трепе́щѹтъ).

But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”
Мїхаи́лъ же а҆рха́гг҃лъ, є҆гда̀ со дїа́воломъ разсѹжда́ѧ {препира́ѧсѧ} глаго́лаше ѡ҆ мѡѷсе́овѣ тѣлесѝ, не смѣ́ѧше сѹда̀ навестѝ хѹ́лна, но речѐ: да запрети́тъ тебѣ̀ гд҇ь.

But these men revile the things which they do not understand; and the things which they know by instinct, like unreasoning animals, by these things they are destroyed.
Сі́и же, є҆ли҄ка ѹ҆́бѡ не вѣ́дѧтъ, хѹ́лѧтъ: є҆ли҄ка же по є҆стествѹ̀ ѩ҆́кѡ безсловє́снаѧ живѡ́тнаѧ вѣ́дѧтъ, въ си́хъ сквернѧ́тсѧ {растлѣва́ютсѧ}.

Woe to them! For they have gone the way of Cain, and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam, and perished in the rebellion of Korah.
(За҄ 78.) Го́ре и҆́мъ, ѩ҆́кѡ въ пѹ́ть ка́їновъ поидо́ша, и҆ въ ле́сть вала́амовы мзды̀ ѹ҆стреми́шасѧ, и҆ въ пререка́нїи корре́овѣ погибо́ша.

These are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves; clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted;
Сі́и сѹ́ть въ любва́хъ ва́шихъ скверни́тєли, съ ва́ми ѩ҆дѹ́ще, без̾ боѧ́зни себѐ пасѹ́ще: ѡ҆́блацы безво́дни, ѿ вѣ҄тръ преноси́ми: древеса̀ є҆сє́нна, безплѡ́дна, два́жды ѹ҆мє́рша, и҆скоренє́на:

wild waves of the sea, casting up their own shame like foam; wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever.
вѡ́лны свирѣ́пыѧ мо́рѧ, воспѣнѧ́ющѧ своѧ҄ стыдѣ҄нїѧ: ѕвѣ́зды пре́лєстныѧ, и҆̀мже мра́къ тмы̀ во вѣ́ки блюде́тсѧ.

It was also about these men that Enoch, in the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied, saying, “Behold, the Lord came with many thousands of His holy ones,
Про҇ро́чествова же и҆ ѡ҆ си́хъ седмы́й ѿ а҆да́ма є҆нѡ́хъ, глаго́лѧ: сѐ прїи́детъ гд҇ь во тма́хъ ст҃ы́хъ а҆́гг҃лъ свои́хъ,

to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”
сотвори́ти сѹ́дъ ѡ҆ всѣ́хъ и҆ и҆з̾ѡбличи́ти всѣ́хъ нечести́выхъ ѡ҆ всѣ́хъ дѣлѣ́хъ нече́стїѧ и҆́хъ, и҆́миже нече́ствоваша, и҆ ѡ҆ всѣ́хъ же́стокихъ словесѣ́хъ и҆́хъ, ѩ҆́же глаго́лаша на́нь грѣ҄шницы нечести́вїи.

These are grumblers, finding fault, following after their own lusts; they speak arrogantly, flattering people for the sake of gaining an advantage.
Сі́и сѹ́ть ропотницы̀, ѹ҆кори́тєли, (ча́сть поро́чна,) въ по́хотехъ свои́хъ ходѧ́ще нече́стїемъ и҆ законопрестѹпле́нїемъ: и҆ ѹ҆ста̀ и҆́хъ глаго́лютъ прегѡ́рдаѧ: чѹдѧ́щесѧ ли́цамъ по́льзы ра́ди.

But you, beloved, ought to remember the words that were spoken beforehand by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Вы́ же, возлю́бленнїи, помина́йте глаго́лы преждеречє́нныѧ ѿ а҆п҇лъ гд҇а на́шегѡ ї҆и҃са хр҇та̀:

that they were saying to you, “In the last time there will be mockers, following after their own ungodly lusts.”
занѐ глаго́лахѹ ва́мъ, ѩ҆́кѡ въ послѣ́днее вре́мѧ бѹ́дѹтъ рѹга́тєли, по свои́хъ по́хотехъ ходѧ́ще и҆ нече́стїихъ.

These are the ones who cause divisions, worldly-minded, devoid of the Spirit.
Сі́и сѹ́ть ѿдѣлѧ́юще себѐ (ѿ є҆ди́ности вѣ́ры, и҆ сѹ́ть) тѣле́сни {дѹше́вни}, дѹ́ха не и҆мѹ́ще.

But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,
Вы́ же, возлю́бленнїи, ст҃о́ю ва́шею вѣ́рою назида́юще себѐ, дх҃омъ ст҃ы́мъ молѧ́щесѧ,

keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life.
са́ми себѐ въ любвѝ бж҃їей соблю́дайте, ждѹ́ще мл҇ти гд҇а на́шегѡ ї҆и҃са хр҇та̀, въ жи́знь вѣ́чнѹю.

And have mercy on some, who are doubting;
И҆ ѻ҆́вѣхъ ѹ҆́бѡ ми́лѹйте разсѹжда́юще,

save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh.
ѻ҆́вѣхъ же стра́хомъ спаса́йте, ѿ ѻ҆гнѧ̀ восхища́юще: ѡ҆блича́йте же съ боѧ́знїю, ненави́дѧще и҆ ѩ҆́же ѿ пло́ти ѡ҆скверне́нѹю ри́зѹ.

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy,
Могѹ́щемѹ же сохрани́ти вы̀ без̾ грѣха̀ и҆ без̾ скве́рны и҆ поста́вити пред̾ сла́вою свое́ю непоро́чныхъ въ ра́дости,

to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.
є҆ди́номѹ премдромѹ бг҃ѹ и҆ сп҃сѹ на́шемѹ, ї҆и҃сомъ хр҇то́мъ гд҇емъ на́шимъ, сла́ва и҆ вели́чїе, держа́ва и҆ вла́сть, пре́жде всегѡ̀ вѣ́ка, и҆ нн҃ѣ, и҆ во всѧ҄ вѣ́ки. А҆ми́нь.

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